HHE - Habitat for Humanity Edmonton
HHE stands for Habitat for Humanity Edmonton
Here you will find, what does HHE stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Habitat for Humanity Edmonton? Habitat for Humanity Edmonton can be abbreviated as HHE What does HHE stand for? HHE stands for Habitat for Humanity Edmonton. What does Habitat for Humanity Edmonton mean?Habitat for Humanity Edmonton is an expansion of HHE
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Alternative definitions of HHE
- Headquarters and Headquarters Element
- Health Hazard Evaluation
- Hopes for Higher Education
- Hospital Hispano de Especialidades
- High Hill Entertainment
- Hart to Hart Entertainment
- Henry Harvin Education
View 18 other definitions of HHE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HHGB Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston
- HHI Habitat for Humanity International
- HHJWY Habitat for Humanity Jackson, WY
- HHLCIL Habitat for Humanity Lake County, IL
- HFHNYC Habitat For Humanity New York City
- HFHN Habitat For Humanity Niagara
- HHNCM Habitat for Humanity North Central Massachusetts
- HHAC Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County
- HFHBCI Habitat For Humanity of Bergen County Inc.
- HHBCPA Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County, PA
- HHCC Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod